Supporting estranged parents can be a long-term, time-intensive endeavor. It also requires specialized knowledge about this growing phenomenon in our society.
This page has been designed for professional care-givers and their support staff who are serving patients, clients, and faith-community members who may be estranged from their adult children.
We recognize that every person is an individual, and benefits from resources that are a good fit to them. This page suggests resources that may work best for different individuals and situations.
If your patient, client, or faith-community member is a reader and would prefer to work on their recovery on their own…
If your patient, client, or faith-community member wants a support group and would prefer to work on their recovery with other estranged parents…
Suggest they join a recovery group…
PEAK Recovery Group meets the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6pm, at the First Congregational Church United Church of Christ, 100 1st Street NE, Mason City, Iowa 50401.
And have them contact the group leader:
Beverly Butler
If your patient, client, or faith-community member would prefer one-on-one support…
Suggest they contact our regional PEAK North Iowa coordinator…
Contact Information:
Beverly Butler
If your patient, client, or faith-community member would prefer a faith-based approach…