For those of us recovering from a failure in which shame is the unbearable experience we are trying to escape, this can lead us to believe that we are defective in ways that few others are. But here is the truth: in any group of 100 typical American adults, it is estimated that:
If everyone in a typical congregation were to wear a sign listing their experiences using the categories above, all the shame within its walls would evaporate almost instantly.
Learn more about the Damaged Good Project.
Our Church welcomes and is enriched by all who are broken, including the censured, the disbarred, the decertified, the defrocked, the scandalized, the estranged, the convicted, the fraudulent, the terminated, and those malignantly humiliated on social media. Whatever our failures, we believe that guilt and exclusion should not be a life sentence and never a capital offence. Everyone deserves to recover.